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Just having some fun. Vermillion Draven threatened to make me undead if I didn't sign Gideon threatened to change my cell structure if I didn't sign Angel of Mercy wouldn't quit hitting me with her wing and threw me in here Gemmy Sang High C and I ended up here Merloch chased me in here trying to turn me into a pink bunny Talon Darklighter flew me in as a dragon DarkMistress sneezed and I ended up here. (her magick backfired) Zephyr sweet talked me into coming here Sansa purred and I couldn't resist Dragonmyst roared at me and threw me in here Prophetess zapped me in here Jorael used his telepathy to make me sign this. Cordells spirit haunted me till I came here Sotana enchanted me to sign Elezar arose from the dead and had a talk with me Wiejeit threatened to eat me Tripod Lycos AngelFire Geocities Yahoo! Xoom AOL Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button Clicked on our Banner Advertisement From a Friend Net Search NewsGroups Signing another Guestbook Viewing another Guestbook SimpleNet How did you find us?